So, you finally did it! Congratulations! Was it a pull-up? Was it 15 lbs. off the scale? Was it your first 5K? Great! Now get back to work. The people you’ll meet here are in it for the long haul. And they need you too!
I was talking to a friend today about how tomorrow is her 3 year anniversary at Apache and how much she’s changed in that short time. Her exact quote was: “So much progress yet so much more to learn.” She gets it. She could of stopped when she reached her pull up, weightlifting or aesthetics goal but she continues on knowing that there is more to this whole fitness thing.
When we first meet people at our Intro Sessions we talk a lot about why they are here and what they are looking for. At first, people will tell us they want to lose 5 lbs. for a wedding in 3 months or try something different to get ready for a Spartan Race but they tend to stick around after their initial goal has been realized. Why? Because fitness can and should be lifelong but it’s also fun and rewarding here.
Crazy things happen when you start training with us. Initially, you’ll see big time gains and things will be getting easier by the day. You’ll look different. You’ll walk around differently. This is great but the next step is pretty cool, too. You’ll start to get to know the other people in your classes. You’ll become part of the community. Why is the community so strong? Because everyone has goals and they are pushing themselves and each other every single day. You’ll feel a sense of belonging and from there, even greater accountability. You’ll find yourself wanting to be around certain people because it almost feels like they make you better.
Then what happens? You start to become more consistent at the gym. You start to make better choices and live a healthier life. It starts to change other things. You work harder. You have better relationships. You do things you didn’t think were possible.
Then, guess what? You become one of those people that others want to be around. People come to the gym because you are there. It’s a beautiful cycle.
Want the secret? Just show up and it will happen.
Coach Mike N
Currently thinking about how cool and inspiring everyone at the gym is.