I get it, working out is hard but it’s not as hard as getting yourself to the gym when you’re busy. Maybe you have to wake up earlier or sit in traffic to make it to the gym? There will always be an excuse not to workout. In order to make sure we are getting there, we have to change our mindset a little. Below are a few tips to get you on track.
Make It A Priority
On a scale of 1 to 10 how important is your health to you? Hopefully you said it’s a 10. (if not, that’s a whole other blog post) If your health is that important to you don’t leave it up to chance. We all know the benefits of working out and how just a few extra sweat sessions per week can greatly improve your health so why not treat it as one of the most important things on your schedule. I know some people reading this will not miss an episode of their favorite television show that they have to watch at a scheduled time so nobody else spoils it for them. That’s great! Enjoy that time! But if you can make that time for entertainment make sure to make some time for the gym as well. If your health and fitness isn’t one of your top priorities it’s not going to happen.
Prepare Yourself
Don’t want to wake up earlier so you’re going to the gym right after work? Make sure to have your gym bag packed and ready the night before and take it with you to work. Change before you leave work to get in the mindset of “work is over, now it’s time to sweat.” Have to get to the gym before work? Make sure you have everything you need to get up and go. Lay out your gym clothes the night before and have your work clothes packed.
Make A Schedule
Some people thrive on checklists and schedules. Why? They work at holding people accountable. Try to schedule all of your workouts for the week on Sunday and treat them like an appointment you can’t miss. We’re able to schedule doctor’s visits months out, hair appointments weeks away, concerts and sporting events 6 months prior so why can’t we schedule a few workouts each week? Write a specific time in your written or phone planner and stick to it. At Apache we use an online scheduling system that will allow you to plan your week by reserving classes and even transfer those appointments automatically to your iPhone or Droid calendar.
Eat Right
Ever feel like working out after crushing a few donuts or some greasy pizza? Me neither! What you eat throughout the day will help you prepare yourself to get to the gym. When we eat that bad kind of fuel we are mostly happy just sitting around so make sure to eat well and you’ll be more likely to want to work out. Also, if you can’t get to the gym that day you’ll be glad you at least ate healthy.
If you found any of this helpful or know someone who would like to make a change and start a workout program please contact us below. We love helping people become a better version of themselves.
Coach Mike N
Currently thinking of an excuse not to workout for the second time today.