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Coach Mike
December 31, 2024
How To Survive Summer BBQs
We all know how fun summer parties can be but we also know how they can quickly derail some of the progress we’ve made lately in and out of the gym.
So what do we do? Stay home???
Here are a few things you can do to enjoy yourself but not completely change all your healthy habits.
Eat Before You Go – It’s simple, if you show up hungry you are more likely to eat whatever is laying around. Easiest way to combat this is to just eat a meal before you leave for the party. You’ll have more self control at the party and not make (as many) bad decisions.
Be Active – Most parties have some sort of activities going on. Jump in and join the fun. Play some Cornhole, Spikeball, Frisbee, even jump in the pool for a bit. This will help burn some calories while having a great time.
Be Careful What You’re Drinking – Obviously water is the best choice but not always the most fun for some people so make sure to drink in moderation. A few cocktails could mean a few hundred calories. Try to limit yourself to only a couple over the course of the party and drink water in between. Many beers will tend to have more calories compared to vodka or tequila. Be mindful of the mixers too.
Eat The Veggies – There always seems to be a plate of vegetables and fruit at parties so feel free to snack away. Eating a bunch of veggies will make you less likely to overindulge in the less healthy choices.
Don’t Be Weird – Last but not least remember that this is a party and you’re there to have a good time. Not every day is perfect so occasionally you may need to grab a greasy cheeseburger and just smile and enjoy the moment.
Hopefully these tips will help make your summer BBQs more enjoyable and a little healthier.