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Coach Mike


December 31, 2024

What About Your Friends? The People Closest To Us Have The Greatest Influence On Our Lives

Yes, I have that T.L.C. song stuck in my head now too.

We’ve all heard the saying from Jim Rohn that “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” but how often do we actually take stock of those relationships and what they mean to us? Think about those 5 or 10 people you spend the most time with. Family, friends, significant other, co-workers, whoever. Are they a positive influence in your life? Can you tell them anything without being judged? Do they always want better for you? Are they ambitious? Are they happy? Optimistic?

Answering yes to most of these questions is a great sign! You definitely have a crew that has your best interests in mind, will support you and help you grow.

If you answered no to most of them, don’t worry! You are completely capable of changing your situation. Since these people have such a profound impact on your life, it may take some effort but getting back on track is certainly doable.

Firstly, where are you meeting people? Look around at places you typically go as these people at least have similar interests as you. Your new best friend could be the girl squatting next to you at CrossFit or the guy you always see on the same running trails or the person you’ve bumped into countless times at Barnes and Noble. Common interest is already there so just strike up a conversation.

Next, choose wisely. Ask yourself if this person will help you become a better version of yourself. If not, keep searching. (I’m assuming here that you don’t have it all figured out and want to keep growing? Hope so!)

Find a mentor. I’ve been lucky enough to come across a few in my life and they have changed me tremendously. These people will often see more in you than you see in yourself. This will help you grow and succeed and probably wind up with more great people surrounding you.

Last but not least don’t forget the one person you spend the most time with. Yourself. How do you treat yourself? Is your self talk positive? Are you optimistic? It’s great to be self aware but take some time to reflect on all the great things you do instead of only focusing on the bad.

In the end, you set your own course for how your life goes but with great people supporting you, you’ll be surprised how great it can be.

Of course, I must mention Apache is an amazing place to meet all kinds of great people that come together and push themselves and in turn push you. Give it a try sometime.

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